Museum of Natural History, London

On our way back to Newcastle, Jen and I had a couple of hours to burn in London so we went to the Natural History Museum. What an awesome place!
The fossilised skeleton of a Diplodocus in the grand Hintze Hall. Natural History Museum, London.
Its been about 2 years since we last visited to see Dr. Gunther von Hagens' BODY WORLDS: Animal Inside Out exhibition which was just incredible. But at the time we didn't have an opportunity to have a look around the permanent exhibitions.
During this visit we managed to see the birds, mammals and the breathtakingly massive whales.
A taxidermy ostrich waiting, along with other birds in a display case to be curated.
We also watched a couple of short films in the lecture theatres. The first was Nature through the lens which documented key breakthroughs in wildlife film-making over the past 100 years which I really enjoyed and appreciated as a photographer. The second film was David Attenborough: Life on Camera, which covered some of Attenborough's many achievements and clips of his best bits. It is amazing to see what he has experienced and his dedication to the field is such an inspiration.

Ant Tran is product and lifestyle photographer. Currently working at END.