Post #1 - Show Your Work

I'm currently on a train going from London to Newcastle after visiting Ben for the weekend. Ben is a fan of writer Austin Kleon and has lent me his copy of 'Show your work!'.
It's all about sharing creativity on the Internet via social media.
The book has been boiled down to 10 main points such as 'Think process, not product.' and 'Share something small every day.', which are expanded on with the help of hand drawn diagrams and scribbles. The content is simple and just makes a lot of sense.
I've been posting work on tumblr and Instagram for a couple of years now and I've enjoyed putting things out there with the possibility that it might be seen.
But all social networks fall in and out of fashion. It would be devastating if one day the plug was pulled on tumblr or Instagram and everything was lost in a moment.
So here I am. On my own little bit of Internet real estate. A blog that I can control and keep for myself.
You should be able to find me on here from now on.

Ant Tran is product and lifestyle photographer. Currently working at END.