PhotoDiary: Beach Life

Jen was on the rota to be working on Saturday and I was going to be giving her a lift to the office. Since the weather was clear and bright that morning, I decided to bring Lola along so that she could stretch her legs at Tynemouth beach. It would be a little treat for Lola as she's used to treading the predictable terraces of Heaton. Plus, it's only a few extra minutes away from where Jen works.
The usual weekend crowds had yet to arrive at Tynemouth and it was pretty quiet, apart from the early morning cyclists, runners and dog walkers. There were also a few surfers and swimmers who were braving it out in the North Sea.
Lola had a great time investigating new smells and running about on the sand. Although, I think she got a bit up her nose and there was a good bout of sneezing. We walked along the beach and I took some photos, Lola did a great job of modelling. It didn't take long for her to get tired, her little legs aren't very efficient on soft sand but she'd worked up a good appetite and couldn't wait for breakfast when we got in.

Ant Tran is product and lifestyle photographer. Currently working at END.