PhotoDiary: Canny Corbridge

Even though there are lush green parks in and around Newcastle, sometimes it's worth heading out of the city for a little more peace and quiet. Corbridge is a small village in Northumberland, half an hour's drive West of Newcastle. Located along the River Tyne, the village of Corbridge used to be second only to Newcastle in wealth, back in the thirteenth century. It is still known for it's quaintness and unique boutique stores.
A store that we always visit when in Corbridge is RE, host to the most marvellous homeware. Many of the pieces in the eclectic store are, in their own words, "raRE, REmarkable, REcycled, REscued and REstored" with love and caRE I might add! With so much under one roof, there's something to suit all tastes.
Learn more about RE and browse their online store at
I would recommend Corbridge to anyone after a break from the hustle and bustle of the city and who loves a spot of afternoon tea in a cosy cafe.

Ant Tran is product and lifestyle photographer. Currently working at END.