A Tour of Diadora's Factory in Caerano di San Marco

Taking a trip to Caerano di San Marco for a tour of Diadora's historic factory, END. showcase the artistry of the iconic footwear brand's 'Made in Italy' line. Located within the Treviso district of North Eastern Italy, the factory serves as the epicentre of the brand's artisanal production process, delivering a substantial percentage of all Diadora sneakers.
Founded in 1948 by Marcello Danieli, Diadora operated from the premises until its closure in 2009. Reopening in 2015, following the acquisition of the company by the Moretti Polegato family, the brand reconnected with their heritage with the aim of producing high-end, Italian-made footwear.
Placing emphasis on exceptional quality, the 'Made in Italy' line is delivered by ten members of highly skilled staff, collectively producing up to 160 pairs a day. Each with an individual role to play, the small team deftly produce footwear ranging from retro running styles to technical football boots, using a combination of modern and original machinery from the first era of the factory. Having undergone a bespoke repair process, the use of traditional machinery offers a further nod to Diadora's heritage and presents a marked sense of handmade quality - a defining aspect of the brand's outlook.
Written by Euan Smart.

Ant Tran is product and lifestyle photographer. Currently working at END.